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Last update: March 13, 2023

Making a film to bring the voice of young people from the slums to the UN! 

A small team of producers, directors, cinematographers and communicators, in partnership with the LP4Y movement, is starting to make a feature film to give a voice to young people living in extreme poverty

In a world tarnished by political and economic tensions and an unprecedented climate emergency, these young people have become experts in emergency and resilience. They live in the midst of natural disasters and political crises, yet we don't hear from them.

So we decided to give them a voice, in the four corners of the world (London, Paris, Jakarta, Delhi, Beirut), and all the way to the United Nations in New York.

Through a documentary-fiction, five "anonymous" people, with different experiences of poverty, ask themselves about their future: what do they aspire to and what are the constraints? On the threshold of their adult lives, what are the choices available to them?

‍Anintimate and personal dialogue around major contemporary isssues: social justice, the situation of exile, global warming and the place of women.

We have named this projectYouth Visions"

More than a film, Youth Visions is an advocacy tool encouraging young adults to express their citizenship, a sharing of best practices and a call to action. This project will:

  • to animate our ecosystem on a daily basis on citizenship issues: climate change, social justice, what it means to succeed in life... the main themes of the film will be discussed with young adults living in extreme poverty and our partners with the screening of the film, workshops, debates. 
  • to reach a large audience, by posting regularly on social media platforms throughout the year (travel blog, presentation of the main protagonists), and the events that will occur throughout the life of the project (testimonies, webinars, film festivals). 
  • to encourage action at your level: in your city, your country, internationally, by organizing a screening, a round table, by becoming a volunteer in a partner organization, by joining our team...

For more information: